6 GHz Single Channel Signal Generators (Signal Sources)
The SC5507A and SC5508A are from our PSG (Performance Signal Generator) line of signal generators, providing tunable frequency range from DC to 6.25 GHz, with resolution of 1 mHz. Their amplitude range is typically between -50 dBm to +15 dBm stepping at 0.01 dB, and harmonics are typically < -35 dBc. Phase noise at 5 GHz CW is better than -125 dBc/Hz@10kHz. These RF signal generators incorporate a 1 MHz to 6 GHz power sensor whose measurement range is -25 dBm and 15 dBm with accuracies of better than 0.50 dB.
The signal purity, wide frequency range, large amplitude range, and power sensing make these devices ideal for applications ranging from digital clocking to LO sources, as well as in applications requiring stimulus and sense in a compact and rugged form factor.
Full implementation instructions, GUI, driver software, and example code are provided with each module.
(Signal Source)
Product Contents
7100037-01 - 6 GHz Signal Generator, PXIeSoftware USB Thumb Drive
(Signal Source)
Product Contents
7100038-01 - 6 GHz Signal Generator, USB-SPI7100149-02 - Digital I/O and Power Supply Cable
USB cable - Type A to Mini B
Software USB Thumb Drive
(Signal Source)
Product Contents
7100038-02 - 6 GHz Signal Generator, USB-RS2327100149-02 - Digital I/O and Power Supply Cable
USB cable - Type A to Mini B
Software USB Thumb Drive